• Residential Essential Needs


    Twin Size Bedding-in-A- Bag



    Alarm clocks


    Flip flops/shower shoes

    Hygiene products: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razors, lotion, hairbrushes, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant etc.

    Feminine care products: pads, tampons, panty liners

    *We are always accepting magazines and shoe boxes for art projects

  • Sober House Essential Needs

    Children’s clothes

    Baby clothes

    Twin size Bed-in-A-Bags

    Shower liners

    Shower curtain


    We are always in need of gently used or new house furnishings for our sober homes. Please contact us and send us a picture of what you may have. Typically we are in need of twin beds, dressers, couches, end tables, lamps, kitchen tables and chairs, toddler beds, rocking chairs, night stands, TV stands, dishes, pots and pans, and knife sets.

  • RIPLE: Rewards in a Positive Living Environment

    At ANEW Chemical Health Services, we use a rewards system called “RIPLE” or “Rewards in a Positive Living Environment” a positive, growth-based model that will assist clients in completing daily responsibilities, making healthy choices, understanding consequences in a safe space, maintain accountability and working towards goals. Clients are able to earn “stamps” which would allow them to purchase items in the RIPLE Store on-site. We aim to keep the store stocked and full of new items for the women to choose from.

    Here is a list of the RIPLE store items:

    flip flops (shower shoes), shower caddies, nice/large bottles of quality toiletries

    journals, coloring books, markers/colored pencils/crafts

    planners, calendars, tote bags, pencil bags

    tumblers, mugs, water bottles, pop

    sunglasses, cozy socks, word search, puzzles

    large candy bars, non-perishable snacks, powdered flavored coffee creamer

    home decor for rooms, books, makeup, jewelry

    *All RIPLE items must be new or never used

  • Adopt A Family

    Adopt-A-Family or Sober Home for the Holidays!

    Thank you for considering adopting some of our women and children! We could not give them a nice holiday season without your generosity!

    Here is how it works:

    You could choose one, a few, or all the house members to "adopt" depending on your budget. We have asked each woman to give us a list of three items they would like for themselves and three items for their children. They do not expect all of the items on their list; we just want to ensure there are enough options. You could purchase one, two, or all three items depending on your budget. If you choose this option, we would like all the items to be wrapped and labeled with tags. Gifts can be dropped off at our treatment center. Wrapping and labeling the gifts prior to drop off is greatly appreciated!

    In addition, we like to give each woman a gift bag including a cozy blanket, slippers, robe, new pillow, new towel and a hat/glove/scarf set. If you would like to help with this gift bag specifically, please contact us. These items do not need to be wrapped.