Bedford Manor

Our newest sober residence, Bedford Manor, has a unique housing model created by Spence Specialties LLC. This home is a duplex located on the East Side of St. Paul and can serve up to 14 women and their children. This home can house single adults or mother's with minor children ages 10 and younger. The Bedford Manor model is as follows; women can either utilize self-pay, Housing Supports (formerly GRH) or other treatment funded options. Our staff can help determine which option may work best for each individual based on Ramsey County Benefit guidelines. Typically, a resident receiving SSI/SSDI will utilized the self pay option. We have chosen to keep the rent for this option lower than any other sober house in the area charging $500/month. Residents that do not meet Ramsey County income qualifications/assests guidelines will also be expected to utilize the self pay option. We have a limited number of Housing supports beds (7) available at this location. In the event that those beds are already reserved ANEW may pay the rent for clients in Phase 1 and 2 of their Outpatient SUD program. Questions? Feel free to call and speak to a member of our team!


Mary Kay Manor